See all of our upcoming events below. You can browse by One Time events or Repeating Events, which meet once a week or once a month.
When we are open a live person answers your call. Nothing is more annoying then calling the doctor with a concern and then having to play 20 questions with an automated teller. We don’t do that here
At our Red Bank office we will be hosting montly discussion groups to educate ourselves about current topics affecting our health. We will strive to discuss current health topics of interest and everyone is welcome. The cost is free, and you do not need to register, but we would welcome an email letting us know you plan on attending, so we can order to correct amount of refreshments.
This is a great environment to discuss some things that may be on your mind. We would love if you could join us! We look forward to starting this is July 2015
Join Us every Wednesday at our main office for our weekly support group. This support group will discuss A, B and C, and everyone is welcome. The cost is free, and you do not need to register, but we would welcome an email letting us know you plan on attending, so we can order to correct amount of refreshments.
This is a great environment to discuss some things that may be on your mind. We would love if you could join us!